Grand Masonic Day 2021
Sat, May 08
|Vancouver Lodge of Education and Research
A Day of Presentations!

Time & Location
May 08, 2021, 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM PDT
Vancouver Lodge of Education and Research
About the Event
Grand Masonic Day 2021
Tickets are FREE for dues-paid members of the Vancouver Lodge of Education & Research.
If you have already paid your 2021 dues ($20.00 due on June 21, 2021) then email your RSVP to tspreeuw@gmail.com.
Dues can also be directly emailed to the Treasurer & Secretary at vloerpayment@freemasonry.bcy.ca
Zoom code for attendance will be emailed to the membership list and those who have registered in either of these ways.
SOME of the event MAY be open to invited members of the general public.
To inquire about attending if you are NOT a Freemason please email tspreeuw@gmail.com
10:00 am - Zoom Room Open
11:00 am - WBro. Troy Spreeuw - Grand Masonic Day Opening Remarks
11:10 am - MWBro. Don MacKenzie - Grand Master Opening Comments
11:20 am - WBro. Joscar Poerschke - Masonic Avant-Garde Music for Ritual
12:20 pm - WBro. Helio Da Costa - The Adonhiramite Rite: The Magicians of Freemasonry*
12:45 pm - Break For Lunch/Socializing
1:15 pm - JGW Address to GMD
1:30 pm - WBro. Ken Lane & VWBro. Zane McCune - The Elephant in the Room*(Reccomended watching of the movie "Moneyball" to get the most out of this)
2:30 pm - RWbro. David Butt - How we are using technology In the Pandemic
3:00 pm - WBro. Casey Collins/ RWBro. Wes Regan Panel/Breakout Format*
4:30 pm - Closing Remarks WBro. Troy Spreeuw MWBro. Don MacKenzie - Zoom Room to remain open
*Indicates there may be attendance restrictions for those who are not Master Mason degree Freemasons. Inquire directly via email to tspreeuw@gmail.com if you are not sure if you are eligible to attend.